Friday, September 25, 2009

Search the Quran is based on cutting edge search technology and offers the following unique features:
  1. Search multi-word phrases that spread across more than one verse as opposed to the single verse search offered by all other Quran Search Engines. Examples: "Roman Victory", "War on Usury".
  2. Synonym Search: so you don't have to know the exact words used in the translations. For example, to search for Jesus in the Quran you can use any of these variations: "Jesus", "Christ", "Messiah", "Isa".
  3. Morphological Search: allows finding different variations of the word. For example, searching for "intention" will find verses using words like intends, intending, intention, intentionally, etc.
  4. Exclusion: to search for verses that don't contain certain words> For example to find verses that talk about charity without mentioning Prayer use the NOT or - symbol: "Charity NOT Prayer", "Charity -Prayer".

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How to remove Windows Desktop Search

Disturbed due to unwanted Windows Search Service running on your computer?

Here is the solution :)

Hope this really help.